Saturday, March 17, 2012

Hips First, Head Down

I'm back.

Apparently when "they" say it's going to rain here they really mean it's going to rain at some point, or maybe it won't rain at all and don't be surprised if you see the sun for a minute, but it's probably going to rain. Well, it was great out. Some drizzle fell on my face, but not much at all. The sun even made an appearance. The worst part of the day was trudging through the brown swampy muck around hole two. I didn't mind too much though, because my new Delaveagas were keeping my feet dry.

Happy St. Patrick's day by the way. While throwing around I received a text from my friend Dennis down in Southern California. He said, "Kiss me, I'm shit faced again!"

It made me laugh, so I sent him a photo with an attached message saying, "A kiss from this mouth?"

I ended up playing 36 holes at Silver Lake in Everett, WA. I made it a point to practice throwing my hips out first and man oh man – I could tell it was something special. For a while the technique kept making me release too far to the right of where I was aiming. I wasn't grip locking it, or Danny DeVito-ing it (I like calling it that because of a scene in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest where he hurled a basketball in the wrong direction), I was simply releasing in a different direction. My arm was whipping around a lot faster than usual and I believe this adjusted the point of my release. I remedied this by situating my self differently on the tee pad.

After a while I felt like I could continue on without thinking too much about it, so I decided to add one more new feature to my drive. I started keeping my head down.

What the hell? That is certainly a different perspective. I noticed in a few self-made videos that my head stayed level as I pulled through and sometimes it was off doing its own thing. Who knows what I was looking at, I sure don't.

When I forced my head to look down and follow through with my drive I found I could watch as I ripped the disc across my chest. It felt like I was over my disc and had more power and control. When I was able to link the two new techniques together I was left watching a disc in a beautiful flight.

Silver Lake isn't really a course you go for distance on. According to the longest hole is 324ft. This fun nine-hole is really about control and putting, but when I was concentrating on "hips first, head down" I noticed I was either overshooting a hole or reaching a basket with less effort than usual.

I believe progress was achieved today.

If you want to see what my scores were for these rounds you can find me under Cinque on the DGCR site.


  1. You used to tell me I would make a split second eye contact with you during my drives. Cracks me up big time every time i think of it.

  2. Ha! You would. It was scary. I felt like maybe I was messing you up by watching you, but then I just wanted to see if you would look at me.

  3. Hey Hoss... we love the stuff you are posting about disc golf and would love to have your blog listed in our Link List @ - here is the contact form | to be listed is Free. Thanks and Throw Well, trotter/TALKdg
